BASF resources

Husky Stadium, University of Washington

Pedestrian Waterproofing for Seating and Concourse

The background

Husky Stadium, located on the campus of the University of Washington, hosts Pac-12 football games as well several other events throughout the year. Located on Union Bay of Lake Washington, the stadium boasts an iconic profile in the city of Seattle. As with most publicly funded universities, cost constraints were a major challenge. The specific challenges on the Husky Stadium project were related to construction labor, time and expense.


The coating application was unique as the bowl was constructed using cast in-place concrete in the lower bowl while the upper deck construction consisted of prefabricated metal seating. This created a need for a non-slip traffic coating that bonded to both concrete and steel. Traditional epoxy coatings used on metal for pedestrian traffic applications are labor intensive. Typical epoxy systems would not fit with-in the budget constraints. The decision makers wanted an alternative system that would save labor hours, keeping the project on time and within budget.

The contractor was able to finish the project with-in budget and meet the strict time schedule.


Working with one supplier for all the needs of the project was important to the contractor. BASF worked with Long Painting to create a system of products that would provide a non-slip traffic coating for 250,000 square feet of concrete and steel substrates while reducing labor costs. BASF also collaborated with Long Painting to develop a method to spray-apply the coatings, eliminating significant labor hours and cost. The initial coat of MasterSeal TC 225 with an adhesion promoter was spray applied followed by a sand broadcast using a pneumatic system. After the initial coat cured, a second coat of MasterSeal TC 225 was applied as a final wear coat. In addition to the stadium seating project, BASF provided solutions for the parking garage and stadium plaza.

Customer benefit

BASF worked with Long Painting to develop a new technique for the application of BASF`s MasterSeal TC 225, resulting in considerable cost savings. The contractor was able to finish the project with-in budget and meet the strict time schedule.

Projects facts at a glance

  • Bent steel stadium risers
  • 250,000 ft² of seating area
  • Spray application of a polyurethane coating